Open Up - Grade 7 - Mathematics - Unit 5 - Lesson 2

By Formative Library
Last updated about 3 years ago
9 Questions

The temperature is -2oC. If the temperature rises by 15oC, what is the new temperature?

At midnight the temperature is -6oC. At midday the temperature is 9oC. By how much did the temperature rise?

Complete each statement with a number that makes the statement true.

(Find the way to make every statement true with the given numbers.)

_____ <7oC
_____ <-3oC
-0.8oC< _____ <-0.1oC
_____ >-2oC

Draw a diagram to represent each of these situations. Then write an addition expression that represents the final temperature.

The temperature was 80oF and then fell 20oF.

Draw a diagram to represent each of these situations. Then write an addition expression that represents the final temperature.

The temperature was -13oF and then rose 9oF.

Draw a diagram to represent each of these situations. Then write an addition expression that represents the final temperature.

The temperature was -5oF and then fell 8oF.

Does the following table demonstrate a possible proportional relationship?

Does the following table demonstrate a proportional relationship?

Noah was assigned to make 64 cookies for the bake sale. He made 125% of that number. 90% of the cookies he made were sold.
How many of Noah's cookies were left after the bake sale? (Round to the lowest whole number)

"Source: Open Up Resouces (Download for free at"