8-4 Factoring with Special Cases

By Heather Gowton
Last updated over 2 years ago
12 Questions

Special Products of Binomials

Objective: To be able to apply your understanding of multiplying binomials to special cases of
• sum & difference of binomials
• and a perfect square binomial

Today's lesson focuses on starting to bring the concepts of factoring we have been learning in class together. We've looked at
  • multiplying two binomials together by distribution, FOIL, and the table method,
  • factoring out a monimal from a trinomial, and
  • calculting the sum and difference of polynomials

The equations and examples below are fantastics to have in your back pocket throughout the lesson. We'll be going over how they work and how to use them.
Before we get started -- NOTE!
  • We are squaring a binomial. When squaring, you are multiplying an expression or term by itself. Both of the squared binomials above have been condensed.
(a + b)2 = (a + b) ( a + b) and (a - b)2= (a - b) ( a - b)
  • In the equations a and b can be constants or monomials to any degree.
Skill 1: Square of a Binomial
All the methods we learned in class, Distribution, Table, and FOIL, will still work. Using the equations, above, will help move more quickly through the problem.
Skill 2: The Product of a Sum and Difference
The proudct of the suma and difference of the same two terms also produces a pattern.
Complete the video review by Khan Academy prior to attempting the questions.