Geometry 1-1 Guided Practice: Nets and Drawings for Visualizing Geometry

By Matt Richardson
Last updated over 2 years ago
14 Questions

Video Check: Select all that apply with regards to the video embedded directly above this item.

Solve It! When you shine a flashlight on an object, you can see a shadow on the opposite wall. What shape would you expect the shadows in the diagram to have?

Draw those shadows on the canvas using contrasting colors.


Exploration: Before viewing the video below, consider this net. What three-dimensional object's shape will it most closely resemble?

Video Check: Select all that apply with regards to the video embedded directly above this item.

Take Note: Define net (as it pertains to this lesson).

Problem 1 Got It?


Video Check: Select all that apply with regards to the video embedded directly above this item.

Problem 2 Got It? Complete the items on the canvas.

You may also complete your work on paper or on a whiteboard and upload a clear picture (or pictures) of it to the canvas.


Video Check: Select all that apply with regards to the video embedded directly above this item.

Take Note: Define isometric drawing. Also, create an isometric drawing of a box on the canvas.

You may also complete your work on paper or on a whiteboard and upload a clear picture of it to the canvas.

Problem 3 Got It? Complete the items on the canvas.

You may also complete your work on paper or on a whiteboard and upload a clear picture of it to the canvas.


Video Check: Select all that apply with regards to the video embedded directly above this item.

Problem 4 Got It? Complete the items on the canvas.

You may also complete your work on paper or on a whiteboard and upload a clear picture of it to the canvas.


🧠 Retrieval Practice:
Summarize the mathematical content of this lesson. What topics, ideas, and vocabulary were introduced?