7.1.1 What Are Scaled Copies?

By Corey Ruetten
Last updated over 4 years ago
10 Questions
Here is an original drawing of the letter F and some other drawings.

Select all drawings that you think are scaled copies of the original letter F.

Explain how you know the drawings you selected are scale drawings of the original letter F.

Examine all the scaled copies more closely, specifically the lengths of each part of the letter F. How do they compare to the original? What do you notice?

On the grid below, draw a different scaled copy of the original letter F.

Examine the polygons on the grid below. You will use these polygons to answer questions 6 - 10. Feel free to make notes on these polygons below.

Which polygon is a scaled copy of polygon A?

Which polygon is a scaled copy of polygon B?

Which polygon is a scaled copy of polygon E?

Which polygon is a scaled copy of polygon F?

Which polygon is a scaled copy of polygon H?