A & P Unit 4 Exam

By Jennifer Lifsitz
Last updated almost 4 years ago
37 Questions

Match each of the following to the proper definition

Relays information through the brain and spinal cord
Relays information from sensory receptors toward the CNS
Relays information from CNS toward effectors
Muscles and Glands
Pacinian corpuscles, Meissner's corpuscles, Rod cells of the eye

During a nerve impulse from your free nerve endings sensing that you touched something hot, your spinal cord and multiple neurons are required. The action potential or nerve impulse must travel through the following structures in this particular order…


The axon of a neuron is surrounded by neuroglia called (1)_________. The gaps between these neuroglia through which signals are sent are (2) _________. The neuroglia have many layers of (3) _________ that help to speed up the action potential as it travels the axon. The entire cell and all its layers is surrounded by an outermost layer called the (4)_________.


Letter E labels the ____________


Fill in the blanks with both the NAME AND NUMBER of the correct structure:
Signals are recieved by the ________, and neurotransmitters are released from the______


When a neuron is resting, the inside of the axon has a ____ charge. During depolarization as the action potential is rushing through, the inside of the axon has a ____charge. During repolarization, the neuron has a ______charge.


What protein opens to create a more positive charge inside the neuron?


After repolarization, the sodium potassium pump must kick back in gear during resting phase in order to...


Please choose the correct order of meninges & spaces starting with the deepest to most superficial. (does not necessarily include all meninges/spaces, just has them in the correct order)


Please put the following events that will take place at a synapse in the correct order.

  1. Synaptic vessicles are triggered to fuse with the synaptic knob membrane.
  2. Action potential passes along an axon and over the surface of its synaptic knob
  3. Neurotransmitters are released into the synaptic cleft.
  4. Calcum channels in the synaptic knob membrane open and calcium diffuses into the neuron.

A neurotransmitter is


Please select all of the following events that will occur during an excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP).


Which of the following is true? Once a neurotransmitter is released across the synapse....


Please identify the thinnest membrane composed of many nerves & blood vessels to nourish neurons of the brain and spinal cord
. Be sure the label and number match!


The all or none phenomenon describes that in order for an action potential to be sent, threshold MUST be met. If it is met, an action potential will send, if not it wont. Which of the following is FALSE


The __________ neuron releases a neurotransmitter, that will cross the _________ and bind to receptors on the _____________ neuron. Fill in the blanks. Write your answers in the order in which they go in the blanks, separated by a comma.


Identify number 3


Letter A labels the outermost layer of the meninges called the...


The lobe highlighted in green has ALL of the following EXCEPT?


The lobe highlighted would be highly stimulated during which of the following activities?


Your friends want to sneak out Saturday night, break the Covid stay at home rules and swing through the McDanks drive through...You start to think---"YUM-double double with extra pickles and a large side of fries, maybe even a soft serve cone, with friends" "Grounded for a week because mom caught me...." "Or I could just order door dash and zoom with my friends" "but sneaking out sounds rebellious" "but I should follow the rules of my mom, and the governor" these thoughts are primarily processed in your...


What is the largest part of the brain?


You are hiking, and all of a sudden you see this giant black figure moving in the woods. This visual impulse is received by your _________ lobe. Initially ______ areas are at work (they see a black figure), but these areas quickly send the impulse to ________areas (which allow you to realize you see a black bear).


Gray matter is found on the outer portion of the cerebrum in a few centimeter strip, called the __________.


Gray matter is able to process information due to its structural make up being ________, while white matter can send signals quickly to different parts of gray matter due to its structural make up being ________.


This part of your brain is responsible for breathing.


This part of your brain is responsible for reflexes such as sneezing or coughing.


This part of your brain controls sleep cycles and consciousness.


Try outs, day one.....you are running toward the ball...the net is open, no defenders, and you completely miss the ball and fall on your face. You have never had good hand eye coordination. You start to wish your _______had helped you out!


Your mom takes away your phone because your grades are bad. You are SO ANGRY. This part of your brain controls this anger and other emotions along with fight or flight responses.


You are FREEZING. You get goose bumps and start to shiver. This is your _________ trying to warm you up.


Joe's Corpus Callosum is severed, when Joe is flashed an image to his right eye (left hemisphere).....


Memory consolidation involves all of the following except...

Below are 4 essay questions. Choose 2 of the 4 essay questions to answer! Write "not answering" in the two you don't want to answer!

When you show up to class your brain receives ________. If you listen attentively your brain stores this information as _________ briefly. If you participate in answering questions in class, you go home and study your notes and you complete all labs and worksheets your brain stores the information as __________. If you have done this for each quiz, when you get to an exam you now will remember the information more quickly because you only need __________ to get it back if you forgot it! Fill in the blanks using the word bank. Do not retype this paragraph, simply list the terms in the order in which they fill the blanks!
Word bank: recall, sensory input, long term memory, short term memory


Describe the location of the parietal lobe using antomical terminology.
Be sure to:
1. Use anatomical terminology
2. Include at least one other lobe in your description
3. Include at least 2 of the following in your description (lateral fissure, longitudinal fissure, central sulcus)


One step of a nerve impulse is repolarization. During repolarization:
1. What protein channel is open?
2. What ions are moving?
3. In what direction are these ions moving?
4. What charge is created inside the neuron?


Identify the following...number your answers:
1. What is the name of the fluid that acts a shock absorber in the meninges?
2. What structure produces this fluid?
3. Where is this fluid stored?
4. This fluid also runs through the subarachnoid layer of the meninges...if it is infected with virus' or bacteria a person can get a disease called _____________.