Grade 8 Non Renewable resources

By John Lanser
Last updated over 4 years ago
21 Questions

PowerPoint on non-renewable energy.

Answer the questions below using the PowerPoint as a resource.
You may NOT copy and paste. Type the answer. Use your own words.

Refer to slide 3

Provide a definition for non-renewable resources and provide 2 examples of each.


Refer to slide 4

How many different energy resources are part of this scene?


Refer to slide 7

What type of energy does the world rely mainly on? Provide examples of this type of energy.


Explain what fossil fuels are and why they are useful.


Refer to slides 8 and 9

How do fossil fuels produce electricity?


Refer to Slide 10

In each of the following cases name (i) the input and (ii) the output energy source:
When fuel is added and burnt to turn water into steam in the boiler.


Refer to Slide 10

In each of the following cases name (i) the input and (ii) the output energy source:
When steam enters the turbine causing it to turn.


Refer to Slide 10

In each of the following cases name (i) the input and (ii) the output energy source:
When the turbine drives the generator.


Refer to Slides 11

List the order of generating electricity from coal.


Refer to slide 12

What waste do fossil fuels produce?


What can be done to reduce the problems caused by burning fossil fuels? (Research the answer)


Refer to slide 13

Explain what the Greenhouse Effect is.


Slide 16

What is the difference between Nuclear fuel and Fossil fuel?


Refer to slide 17

How is electricity produced from Nuclear Fisson?


Refer to slide 18

What waste does Nuclear power produce?


Refer to slide 18

Name the highly-radioactive product of the fisson reactions that occur in uranium nuclear fuel and explain why this product poses a very serious threat.


Refer to slide 18

(a) Where can nuclear waste be stored? (b) Where do they store nuclear waste in SA.


Slide 21

Which type of power station has (a) the shortest and (b) the longest start up time? (c) Which type of power is useful when extra power is needed for a short time?


Refer to slide 22

(a) Why is it difficult for scientist to predict when non-renewable resources will run out? (b) Provide an example of a new method used to extract natural gases from the ground.


Refer to slide 23

What are the advantages and disadvantages of burning fossil fuels in power stations to generate electricity?


The South African department of Energy has budgeted R300 billion for the development of new nuclear power stations over the next 18 years (to be completed in 2030). Should SA make use of Nuclear Energy? Write a paragraph on whether South Africa should go ahead with the contruction of nuclear power stations or not. Provide reasons.


Work through the Twig web site on fossil fuels (Username: twiguser Password: twig)