1.2 - Muscular System Review

By Eli Prochnau
Last updated over 4 years ago
96 Questions

Outline the general characteristics common to muscle tissue. [14]
- 1 point for correct term/characteristic
- 1 point for correct description

Identify the skeletal muscle structure

Identify the skeletal muscle structure

Identify the skeletal muscle structure

Identify the skeletal muscle structure

Identify the skeletal muscle structure

Identify the skeletal muscle structure

Identify the skeletal muscle structure

Annotate the structure found in #17 in the diagram above

Annotate the structure found in #18 in the diagram above

Annotate the structure found in #19 in the diagram above

Annotate the structure found in #20 in the diagram above

Annotate the structure found in #21 in the diagram above

Annotate the structure found in #22 in the diagram above

Annotate the structure found in #23 in the diagram above

Provide the annotation for the sarcomere

State the name of the labelled muscle

State the name of the labelled muscle

State the name of the labelled muscle

State the name of the labelled muscle

State the name of the labelled muscle

State the name of the labelled muscle

State the name of the labelled muscle

State the name of the labelled muscle

State the name of the labelled muscle

State the name of the labelled muscle

State the name of the labelled muscle

State the name of the labelled muscle

State the name of the labelled muscle

State the name of the labelled muscle

State the name of the labelled muscle

State the name of the labelled muscle

State the name of the labelled muscle

State the name of the labelled muscle

State the name of the labelled muscle

State the name of the labelled muscle

State the name of the labelled muscle

Identify the muscle in the diagram

Identify the muscle in the diagram

Identify the muscle in the diagram

Identify the muscle in the diagram

Identify the muscle in the diagram

Identify the muscle in the diagram

Identify the muscle in the diagram

Identify the muscle in the diagram

Identify the muscle in the diagram

Identify the muscle in the diagram

Identify the muscle in the diagram

Identify the muscle in the diagram

Identify the muscle in the diagram

Identify the muscle in the diagram

Identify the muscle in the diagram

Identify the muscle in the diagram

Identify the muscle in the diagram

Identify the muscle in the diagram

Identify the muscle in the diagram

Identify the muscle in the diagram

Identify the muscle in the diagram

Identify the muscle in the diagram