Lesson 11 | Bedrock Diagrams ⛰🗺✏

By William Pollard
Last updated about 4 years ago
24 Questions

Directions: Answer the questions that follow each of the bedrock diagrams below.

Bedrock Diagram 1

List the geologic events in order from oldest to youngest (C-C’is one event as is G-G’). Place the oldest layer on the bottom and the youngest layer at the top.

  1. F
  2. G-G'
  3. K
  4. C-C'
  5. J
  6. H
  7. I
  8. B
  9. L
  10. E
  11. D
  12. M
  13. A

Identify the geological time period for Layer K

C-C' and G-G' are called ____________________, caused by ____________________. (choose the two answers to fill in the blanks)

L is called a ____________________, producing ____________________ rock.

Identify the metamorphic rocks that will be caused where L comes into contact with: (Not all answers are used)

  • Marble
  • Slate
  • Metaconglomerate
  • Gneiss
  • Schist
  • Quartzite
  • Layer J
  • Layer I

Looking at ESRT 8 and the information provided in the diagram, C-C’ probably coincided with what important geologic event? Support your claim. (think about what geological feature C-C' is)

Bedrock Diagram 2

List the geologic events in order from oldest to youngest (K-K’ is one event as is J-J’). Place the oldest layer on the bottom and the youngest layer at the top.

  1. J-J'
  2. E
  3. D
  4. A
  5. B
  6. H
  7. F
  8. G
  9. K-K'
  10. C

Identify the type of metamorphic rock that will by produced by H at. Not all answers are used

  • Marble
  • Quartzite
  • Metaconglomerate
  • Anthracite Coal
  • Limestone
  • Granite
  • Pumice
  • Shale
  • Phyllite
  • Layer A
  • Layer B
  • Layer C

What differences would you expect from the igneous rock produced at the surface from H versus the igneous rock produced by G? Explain why this is the case.

Index fossil R was found in Layer A. Based on this, What city in NYS could you find this fossil in?

Bedrock Diagram 3

List the geologic events in order from youngest to oldest. (oldest at the bottom and youngest at the top)

  1. X
  2. A
  3. D
  4. B
  5. E
  6. Q
  7. W
  8. Y
  9. G
  10. Z
  11. F
  12. C

From this diagram, can we be certain that layer E was an intrusion and not an extrusion? Explain your answer.

Why are the layers of bedrock on an angle instead of lying horizontally?

Prior to event X, what was the local environment like (generally speaking)? Explain. (Hint: Think about the rock layers)

What minimum stream velocity (ESRT 6 "Relationship of Transported Particle Size to Water Velocity") was required to transport the sediments in Layer D

Directions: Can you spot the mistakes! Several errors were made in the following picture. Identify the 5 errors.

Error 1

Error 2

Error 3

Error 4

Error 5

Put these diagrams in order of youngest (TOP) to oldest (BOTTOM)

Base your answers to questions 22 through 24 on the diagrams below and on your knowledge of Earth science. The diagrams represent drill core samples from two different locations (I and II). A drill core is a cylinder of rock material removed from the bedrock. Letters A through J represent different rock layers. Some layers contain index fossils. The rock layers shown have not been overturned.

Identify the geologic period when rock layer A was deposited.

List the relative ages of rock layers D, E, F, and G by listing the letters from oldest (TOP) to youngest (BOTTOM).

  1. G
  2. E
  3. F
  4. D

Identify two processes that formed the unconformities in these drill cores.