Grade 10 Topographic Map Basics - symbols and heights

By John Lanser
Last updated almost 4 years ago
7 Questions


These are the symbols used on a topographic map

What type of road crosses the map from north to south?


Name one natural water feature on the map that is not a perennial river.


Locate the following features on the map: cultivated land, rows of trees, a track or hiking trail, an embankment.

Identify two other constructed features and two natural features on the map


Identify the spot height between Flaxton and Linford in the north-west part of the map.
a) What is the height of this spot height?
b) Use clues from the map to describe the land in this area.


a) What is the height of the contour line that passes near Linford?
b) Name the constructed feature that is built across the perennial river on this contour line.
c) Describe the gradient of the land in this river valley.(steep or gentle)


a) Give the exact height of the trig beacon in the south-west corner of the Ixopo topographic map.
b) What is the number of this trig beacon?


Give the height of all the bench marks along the arterial road south of Ixopo.