Weather vs. climate BHS chem
By Sharon Tu'inukuafe
Last updated over 4 years ago
9 Questions
1 point
Question 1
What do you notice about the temperature change in the US since 1895? What do you wonder about?
What do you notice about the temperature change in the US since 1895? What do you wonder about?
1 point
Question 2
Looking at the map of warming the last 30 years, what are some things that you notice? What are some things you wonder?
Looking at the map of warming the last 30 years, what are some things that you notice? What are some things you wonder?
1 point
Question 3
What are some reasons why Washington state's temperature increase is smaller than almost all other states?
What are some reasons why Washington state's temperature increase is smaller than almost all other states?
1 point
Question 4
What do you notice about the Arctic Sea ice extent graph above? What do you wonder about?
What do you notice about the Arctic Sea ice extent graph above? What do you wonder about?
1 point
Question 5
What do you notice about the Atlantic basin hurricane counts graph? What do you wonder about?
What do you notice about the Atlantic basin hurricane counts graph? What do you wonder about?
1 point
Question 6
What is the difference between weather and climate?
What is the difference between weather and climate?
1 point
Question 7
What is Bainbridge Island's weather?
What is Bainbridge Island's weather?
1 point
Question 8
What is Bainbridge Island's climate?
What is Bainbridge Island's climate?
1 point
Question 9
Classify each statement as being about the weather, or being about the climate...
Classify each statement as being about the weather, or being about the climate...
- What shall I wear today?
- What equipment do I need for the camping trip next summer?
- It has rained on my birthday for the last 3 years....
- We just got 3 feet of snow in March! So much for global warming!
- I wonder when I should plant the tomato seeds in my garden?
- Our state has experienced the worst drought since records began 120 years ago
- “News flash! The drought inCalifornia has ended with thefirst significant storm this yeardumping more than 10 inchesof rain in many locations andfilling most of the reservoirs topre-drought conditions.”
- “We can’t get low-cost floodinsurance for our houseanymore. The insurancecompany says this area is toogreat a risk.”
- Weather
- Climate