5.2.H.28 - Solve division word problems involving multi-digit division with group size unknown and the number of groups unknown – Exit Ticket
By Formative Library
Last updated about 3 years ago
1 Question
10 points
Question 1
Kenny is ordering uniforms for both the girls’ and boys’ tennis clubs. He is
ordering shirts for 43 players and two coaches at a total cost of $658.35.
Additionally, he is ordering visors for each player at a total cost of $368.51.
How much will each player pay for the shirt and visor?
From EngageNY.org of the New York State Education Department. Grade 5 Mathematics Module 2, Topic H, Lesson 28. Internet. Available from https://www.engageny.org/resource/grade-5-mathemat...; accessed 20/Oct/2015.