4.5.E.26 - Compare Fractions Greater than 1 by Reasoning Using Benchmark Fractions – Exit Ticket

By Formative Library
Last updated about 3 years ago
3 Questions

Compare the fraction given below by writing >, ˂, or =. Give a brief explanation for the answer, referring to benchmark fractions.


Compare the fraction given below by writing >, ˂, or =. Give a brief explanation for the answer, referring to benchmark fractions.


Compare the fraction given below by writing >, ˂, or =. Give a brief explanation for the answer, referring to benchmark fractions.

From EngageNY.org of the New York State Education Department. Grade 4 Mathematics Module 5, Topic E, Lesson 26. Internet. Available from https://www.engageny.org/resource/grade-4-mathemat...; accessed 4/Apr/2016.