8.6.B.6 - Scatter Plots – Exit Ticket
By Formative Library
Last updated about 3 years ago
3 Questions
Energy is measured in kilowatt hours. The table below shows the cost of building
a facility to produce energy and the ongoing cost of operating the facility for
five different types of energy.
10 points
Question 1
Construct a scatter plot of the cost to build the facility (x) and the cost to
operate the facility (y). Use the grid below, and be sure to add an appropriate
scale to the axes.
Construct a scatter plot of the cost to build the facility (x) and the cost to
operate the facility (y). Use the grid below, and be sure to add an appropriate
scale to the axes.
10 points
Question 2
Do you think that there is a statistical relationship between building cost and
operating cost? If so, describe the nature of the relationship.
Do you think that there is a statistical relationship between building cost and
operating cost? If so, describe the nature of the relationship.
10 points
Question 3
Based on the scatter plot, can you conclude that decreased building cost is the
cause of increased operating cost? Explain.
Based on the scatter plot, can you conclude that decreased building cost is the
cause of increased operating cost? Explain.
From EngageNY.org of the New York State Education Department. Grade 8 Mathematics Module 6, Topic B, Lesson 6. Internet. Available from https://www.engageny.org/resource/grade-8-mathemat...; accessed 14/Apr/2016.