Muscular System- Pacific Middle School

By Mallory Speers
Last updated about 4 years ago
5 Questions
Note from the author:
Students complete a "Muscle Fatigue Lab" and an edpuzzle to answer the big question, "How do we use our muscular system when we dance?" This is part of a larger body systems unit with the driving question, "How do parts of our body work together when we dance?"

How do we use our muscular system when we dance?

Get a preview of the assignment below.
Our big question today is...

How do we use our MUSCULAR SYSTEM when we dance?

  1. Welcome!
  2. Big Question-Thoughts before the lesson
  3. Lab
  4. Video
  5. Big Question-Thoughts after the lesson

Create a drawing to go with this caption--

Me Dancing!

Let's get this MUSCULAR SYSTEM party started!!


Draw or use a text box to explain how you THINK we use our muscular system when we dance. It's okay if you are unsure. We will try this again at the end of the lesson so that we can add to our understanding.

Muscular System Lab
Task One
  1. Squeeze a clothespin (or something like it) between your thumb and index finger. Count how many times you pinch and release the clothespin in one minute. After one minute, your partner will record how many times you squeeze the clothespin.
  2. WITHOUT RESTING, continue squeezing the clothespin as fast as you can and count the number of squeezes. Record below.

Watch the teacher demo below:


Record your results on the table and answer the question.

Task Two
  1. Sit against a wall with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle.
  2. Hold the wall sit until your legs begin to burn.

You deserve a break after all of that! 💪

Let's complete the EdPuzzle below to learn about some of the science behind why your muscles get tired💤and burn🔥.

Click here if your video above is not loading.

After completing the lab and watching the video, how can you change your answer from before?

How do we use our muscular system when we dance?