3.1 & 3.2 Earth's Interior and Continental Drift Test

By Brittany Schroeder
Last updated over 3 years ago
47 Questions
Note from the author:
End of unit test for seismic waves, Earth's layers, & continental drift.

Scientists discovered changes in Earth's interior by studying ____.

The ____ waves are the first to reach a seismograph after an earthquake.

The initial point in Earth's interior where the energy release of an earthquake occurs is the ____.

According to the image below, primary waves ____ when they hit the liquid outer core.

Secondary waves ____ when they hit the liquid outer core.

6. The position on Earth's surface directly above the earthquake source is called the __________

Which set of waves are probably the primary waves

The figure below shows that a seismograph station located at a point A. This station would receive what type of seismic waves, if either, from that earthquake?

According to the figure below, when p-waves encounter the boundary between the mantle and the core, the p-waves most likely:

Based on the seismic reading below, how many minutes have passed from the arrival of the p-wave to the arrival of the s-wave?

Which layer of the earth is a solid and why?

Earth is composed of four layers. Many scientists believe that as Earth cooled, the denser materials sank to the center and the less dense materials rose to the top. The least dense layer is the:

Of the 3 seismic waves, the _____-Waves are the slowest

Which of these best describes the relationship between Earth’s layers?

Considering that _________ are unable to pass through liquids, we know that the outer core must be a liquid because seismic wave shadow zones are observed after a major earthquake occurs.

As a result of seismic waves interacting with the liquid outer core, within what region do seismographs show no record of the earthquake ever having occurred?

Seismic stations located within the shadow zone show no seismic activity of P & S waves. Choose the statements that best descibe what causes shadow zones.

The process by which the Earth divided up into layers with different densities is called:

19. Layer responsible for the convection currents that cause the tectonic plates to move.

How do seismic waves change when they travel into new layers of the earth?

Earth formed in a swirling disk of matter surrounding the sun. As particles in the disk collided and stuck together, they grew larger and some eventually became planets. What force was responsible for the collisions between these particles.

Which of the following is a source of heat in Earth’s interior

23. One of the first discoveries from seismic wave data was the boundary between the crust and mantle. This boundary marks a change in composition, which in turn affects density. The speed of both P waves and S waves increases at this boundary. Which of the following statements best describes the difference between the crust and the mantle

The depth of the boundary between the crust and the mantle varies from about 5 to 8 km under ocean basins and about 20 to 70 km under continents. How do scientists study the location of this boundary?

Letter B in the diagram below shows:

In the early 1900s, a hypothesis was introduced that proposed a single large landmass broke into smaller landmasses and formed the continents, which drifted to their present locations. What is the name of this hypothesis?

27. Which layer of Earth does a tectonic plate ride on top of

There are long mountain belts that divide the sea floor and generate new sea floor as magma rises and erupts onto Earth’s surface. What are these mountain belts known as?

Look at the figure below. Which explanation best summarizes the hypothesis shown in the figure?

The seafloor spreading theory was proposed by ____

The youngest rocks in the ocean floor are located at

The presence of the same ____ on several continents supports the idea of continental drift

Continental drift occurs because of ___

The alignment of iron-bearing minerals in rocks when they formed reflects the fact that Earth’s ____ has reversed itself several times in its past.

Seafloor spreading occurs because ____

Studying the ocean floor, scientists found rocks showing magnetic ___

The Continental Drift theory was proposed by ___

Tectonic plates are moved due to ________________in the upper mantle

Climate evidence that supports continental drift would have been:

When looking at mid ocean ridges, the oldest rocks are

This picture illustrates several pieces of evidence for continental drift. Choose the answer that BEST provides evidence for Alfred Wegner's Continental Drift Theory

The dark red line in the diagram below represents the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Based on the information shown on the diagram, which of the following conclusions can you make?

Which was evidence for Wegener's theory of continental drift?

The diagram below helps explain:

The supercontinent in the continental drift hypothesis was called ____

Letter E in the diagram below shows

Letter D in the diagram below shows