AGHA - CP Bio - Phospholipid Bilayer Structure

By Casey Rurode
Last updated over 4 years ago
15 Questions
Note from the author:
basic cell membrane structure

Phospholipid Bilayer Structure

Exactly what do you expect to see knowing that cell membranes are bilayers?

Quick vocab refresher, what does hydro mean when you see it in a word?

Quick vocab refresher, what does phobic mean when you see it in a word?

Quick vocab refresher, what does philic or phile mean when you see it in a word?

Below is a diagram of a phospholipid. This macromolecule composes all of the membranes in a cell. To understand the general structure of a phospholipid bilayer you must first be able to identify the location of the phosphate in this molecule as well as the fatty acid or lipid area.

Which letter shows, or which letters show, the location of the phosphate group?

Look carefully at the make up of the phosphate group. Based on what you see, and using what you know about water, what is true of phosphate groups?

Which letter shows, or which letters show, the location of the fatty acid or lipid area of the phospholipid?

Look carefully at the make up of the fatty acid or lipid area. Based on what you see, and using what you know from chapter 2, what is true of all lipids?

Knowing that all membranes are bilayers, made of phospholipids, and the fact that there is water in and around every cell in your body (or a dog or plant) anwer the next question!

Which model of the phospholipid bilayer (shown in the image above) makes the most sense chemically speaking? Use what you know from the first 8 questions to make the right choice and that fact that molecules are clique like in the movie Mean Girls where the plastics only associate with the plastics

On the diagram like the one shown above and over the model you believe to be correct, label the parts of the cell membrane that would be "hydrophilic" and "hydrophobic" by inserting a text box or ddrawing the words.

Based on the answer to #10 and using what you know, what types of substances can easily pass through the fatty inside of a phospholipid bilayer?

Know the idea that some substances can move through a cell’s membrane while others can’t is what makes cell membranes semipermeable. Google "semi meaning" and "permeable" to determine exactly what this term means then select the best definition below.

Phospholipids are not the only macromolecule in a cell membrane. State why cell membranes also have proteins.

Phospholipids are not the only macromolecule in a cell membrane. State why cell membranes also have cholesterol (a type of fat molecule) embedded in cell membranes.

Phospholipids are not the only macromolecule in a cell membrane. State why cell membranes also have carbohydrates (or sugars) attached to the surface of cell membranes.