The Sugar Revolution: Population Changes

By Shelly Ferner
Last updated about 4 years ago
10 Questions

What crop did sugar cane replace on the English and French Islands of the New World?

How did the population on the Islands with sugar plantations change?

The increase in sugar production on these island caused many changes including...

Why was the demand for sugar so high in Europe?

In the New World, the islands of the West Indies did NOT have favorable climates to grow sugar cane.

Why do you think the price of land increased in Barbados?

Using the chart, which island had the biggest increase in the number of blacks from the mid 1600s to the mid 1700s?

By 1746, how large was Jamaica's white population compared to it's black populations?

In 1746, Jamaica had about ...

Why did the population of blacks on Barbados, Jamaica and St. Kitts increase so much from the mid 1600's to the mid 1700's ?