Section 2.1.9 8th grade assignment CC3

Last updated almost 4 years ago
5 Questions

2-74b Build the equation 2x – 5 = –1 + 5x + 2 using your tiles by placing 2x – 5 on the left side and
–1 + 5x + 2 on the right side. Then use your simplification skills to simplify this equation as much as possible so that x is alone on one side of the equation. Use the fact that both sides are equal to solve for x. Record your work.


2-75 Now apply the solving skill from problem 2-74 by building, simplifying, and solving the equation below for x. Record your work.


Write the equation represented in the diagram below. For the equation, simplify as much as possible and then solve for x. Be sure to record your work.


While solving homework last night, Richie came across the homework question that he thinks has no solution.  Build the equation below and determine if it has a solution for x.  If it has a solution, find it.  If it does not have a solution, explain why not. Explore using the virtual tiles by following this link. 2-82a Student eTool(CPM)


While solving homework last night, Richie came across the homework question that he thinks has no solution.  Build the equation below and determine if it has a solution for x.  If it has a solution, find it.  If it does not have a solution, explain why not. Explore using the virtual tiles by following this link. 2-82b Student eTool(CPM)​