Distance Time Graphs Exit Ticket

Last updated over 3 years ago
9 Questions

Use the Position-Time graph describe the black car's motion from 0-3 seconds:

Use the Position-Time graph describe the black car's motion from 3-5 seconds:

Use the Position-Time graph to answer: Does the black car's speed change from 0-3 seconds:

Use the Position-Time graph to answer: Does the black car's velocity change from 3-5 seconds:

Use the Position-Time graph describe the blue car's motion from 3-5 seconds

Below is a graph showing the motion of a person.

What is the person doing from A to B?

Below is a graph showing the motion of a person.

What is the person doing from E to F?

Below is a graph showing the motion of a person.

What is the person doing from B to C?

Below is a graph showing the motion of a person.

at what point he person is moving with a fast cosntant speed ?