Kelso High-int physics-Friction Lab

By Tamara Hyde
Last updated over 3 years ago
10 Questions
Note from the author:
Integrated friction activity
Friction Lab
Use hand sanitizer or wash your hands and collect the following materials.
  • Friction board
  • Spring scale
  • mass
  • small container

Examine and describe the four different surfaces. How they look, how they feel, what the surface is like.


Place the board in front of you with the four strips arranged left to right. Place the supplied container on one strip and the mass in the container.
Now attach the spring scale to the mass so you can read the scale.

Watch the scale as you pull the mass and container up the board.
Record the Newtons required to start the mass moving across the first strip.


Now repeat with strip 2. Record the Newtons required to start the mass moving.


Now repeat with strip 3. Record the Newtons required to start the mass moving.


Now repeat with strip 4. Record the Newtons required to start the mass moving.


Which material required the most force?


Which material required the least force?


What type of friction is preventing the mass from moving at the beginning?


What type of friction is opposing the motion after the mass begins to move?


Reflecting on your description of the materials, why do you think you obtained the results shown above?

Return your materials to the table you got them. Then use hand sanitizer or wash your hands.