MIgration: The Great Migration

By Brady Bennon
Last updated 6 months ago
20 Questions
Part 1: Video Overview of the Great Migration

How did World War I change the labor (work) situation in the United States??

How did companies like Ford get enough workers for their factories?

Factory recruitment is an example of a migration pull factor.


With his poem, "Breaking Away," what type of migration motivation does Richard Wright express?

Highlight two lines that show what kind of migration motivations Wright is showing in this poem.

PART 3--Podcast: The Takeaway "An Oral History of the Great Migration"

Instructions--Listen to the 9 minute podcast episode below and answer the questions.

The Jim Crow Laws in the South making it impossible for Black Americans to vote, protect their families, contradict White Southerners, pass a White driver on the road, or even stay out past 8 p.m., are all examples of which type of migration factors:

Why did Robert Foster leave the South and what made his journey traumatic?

Wilkerson, the author of "The Warmth of Other Suns," says the majority of African Americans living in the North and West today can trace their roots to the Great Migration. She also says many famous musicians either migrated themselves or their parents migrated North during the Great Migration, including which of the following musicians?

According to Wilkerson, why have so few African Americans shared the stories about their experiences of migrating out of the South and why did she write the book, "Warmth of Other Suns?"

Instructions--Read the following chapter from Warmth of Other Suns and answer the questions.

This section of the reading suggests that the Great Migration was...

According to the author, Isabel Wilkerson, how did most Black migrants out of the South get to cities in the North and West?

Where did Black migrants from Florida, Georgia, North & South Carolina, and Virginia end up moving?

Where did most Black migrants from Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, and Arkansas move to?

Where did most black migrants from Louisiana and Texas move to?

True or False: The journey of the people who left the South during the Great Migration always happened in one trip.

According to the author, why did the Black migrants go so far away from their starting homes?

Isabel Wilkerson describes how migrants from specific southern communities go to specific northern and western cities, based on where the rail and bus lines are.

Name two or three southern states that were "source" places for migrants to Portland, Oregon.

Between 1790 and 1890, about ____% of African Americans lived in the South.

About ____% of African Americans lived in the South from 1970 and 1990.

Since 1990, what statement seems to describe what has happened?