Constructing and Comparing Multiple Box and Whisker Plots

By Raymond Wright
Last updated almost 4 years ago
7 Questions

Construct a Box and Whisker Plot for each set of data using the same number line—stack the two over top of each other. Be very careful to label each Box and Whisker Plot and scale your number line to be able to fit both sets of values.


Calculate the Measures of Variability for each league. Use your results to determine and support your answer to which league was more consistent with their number of games won.


Use the data table of golf scores for Henry and Trish to get the Five Number Summary of each and then create a stacked Box and Whisker Plot of both golfers’ scores stacked over top of each other on the same number line. Be very careful to label each Box and Whisker Plot as well as scale the number line to be able to fit both sets of data.


Which farm was the most consistent with it’s yields?


Which farm(s) had a median yield of at least 35? Select ALL that apply.


Which farm(s) had interquartile range of at least 10? Select ALL that apply.


Which statement is NOT true?