Gr. 8- Mechanical Systems: UNIT FINAL

By Don Moon
Last updated over 3 years ago
28 Questions

1.1 Simple Machines – Meeting Human Needs

Mechanical systems for transporting water were developed by Roman engineers thousands
of years ago. These systems supplied water to cities that were many kilometers from the
water supply. The systems were known as ...

Archimedes designed a system for moving water from one place to another. His machine is
still used today. It is based on the simple machine - the ...

Scissors are a combination of what two machines?

A simple machine that converts rotational motion to linear motion is called ...

A simple machine, similar in shape to the inclined plane, but used to increase the force of
moving an object is the ...

Simple machines can be used for 4 different purposes. The purpose of scissors is to ...

1.2 The Complex Machine – A Mechanical Team

The penny farthing was an early bicycle design that used only these types of simple
machines ...

Devices that help that are made up of several simple machines are called complex
machines. Because all the simple machines work together in these devices, they are
considered to be a ...

Linkages and transmissions are parts of a system that perform a specific function. The
function they perform is to ...

Transmissions are special types of linkages. It is used to transfer energy from the engine to
the wheels in a car. A transmission contains a number of these that allow the driver to apply
a large force to move objects slowly or a small force to move objects quickly. They are ...

Gears can also change the direction of motion. In an eggbeater, the crank turns the driving
gear, which in turn makes the beaters rotate. The transfer of motion is ...

If a smaller gear is used to drive a larger gear, the gear train is a reducing gear. If a larger
gear is used to turn a smaller gear, the gear train is a ...

On a bicycle, gears are made up of flat, toothed disks called ...

2.1 Machines Make Work Easier

What accounts for mechanical advantage and speed ratio being different in real situations?

Mechanical advantage is the amount by which a machine can multiply a force. The force
that the machine applies to the object is called the ...

Roads in the mountains have sections to help vehicles up a steep incline, by making sharp
turns back and forth in opposite directions, after raising the vehicle a little higher in altitude.
These roads are an example of a simple machine – the inclined plane, and are called ...

Speed Ratio is calculated by dividing the ...

2.2 The Science of Work

The scientific definition of work is ... “Work is done when a force acts on an object to make the object move.” Which statement below describes work being done.

Crash test dummies are used to test safety in vehicles. The main reason for this is because they are...

2.3 The Big Movers - Hydraulics

Pneumatic systems use air and are used in many different applications. Dentists would use pneumatics in their office to do this ...

3.1 Evaluating Mechanical Devices

Opening a can has evolved from the earliest cans which were made from iron in 1810. These cans were opened by using a ...

The design and development of opening mechanisms for aluminum cans went through four distinct designs. To get the liquid out of the can you need one large hole or two smaller holes. If two holes are needed, the first is designed to let air into the can, and the second hole is designed to ...

Another simple machine was built into the removable tab top. It consisted of a small ring that acted like a lever and would make the necessary hole by removing the tab from the can. This was a huge improvement, but it also created a huge problem. The problem it created was ...

CSA is a non-government association that tests and approves a wide range of products to ensure they are safe for use by the consumer. CSA stands for ...

3.2 Technology Develops through Change

A particle accelerator is a huge complex machine that does this ...

Sometimes a new device is designed when someone who thinks there can be an easier way to do something makes an observation. An inventor observed a driver manually cleaning snow and ice off the windshield of a streetcar in freezing cold weather, this observation prompted the invention of this ...

New technologies often develop from scientific research that seems to be unrelated. Particle accelerator research experiments led to the technology behind trains powered by electricity and magnets. These trains ‘float’ on the tracks. They are known as ...

Robots are extremely complex devices and vary widely in appearance, depending on the job they are designed to do. A simple robot however has some or all of these basic parts: body, motor devices, power source, sensors, output devices, microprocessors. Spirit and Opportunity are robot rovers on the planet Mars. The solar panels on the robots are examples of these basic parts ...