Review Questions
By Formative Library
Last updated about 3 years ago
11 Questions
1 point
Question 1
A friend of yours who has not taken astronomy sees a meteor shower (she calls it a bunch of shooting stars). The next day she confides in you that she was concerned that the stars in the Big Dipper (her favorite star pattern) might be the next ones to go. How would you put her mind at ease?
A friend of yours who has not taken astronomy sees a meteor shower (she calls it a bunch of shooting stars). The next day she confides in you that she was concerned that the stars in the Big Dipper (her favorite star pattern) might be the next ones to go. How would you put her mind at ease?
1 point
Question 2
In what ways are meteorites different from meteors? What is the probable origin of each?
In what ways are meteorites different from meteors? What is the probable origin of each?
1 point
Question 3
How are comets related to meteor showers?
How are comets related to meteor showers?
1 point
Question 4
What do we mean by primitive material? How can we tell if a meteorite is primitive?
What do we mean by primitive material? How can we tell if a meteorite is primitive?
1 point
Question 5
Describe the solar nebula, and outline the sequence of events within the nebula that gave rise to the planetesimals.
Describe the solar nebula, and outline the sequence of events within the nebula that gave rise to the planetesimals.
1 point
Question 6
Why do the giant planets and their moons have compositions different from those of the terrestrial planets?
Why do the giant planets and their moons have compositions different from those of the terrestrial planets?
1 point
Question 7
How do the planets discovered so far around other stars differ from those in our own solar system? List at least two ways.
How do the planets discovered so far around other stars differ from those in our own solar system? List at least two ways.
1 point
Question 8
Explain the role of impacts in planetary evolution, including both giant impacts and more modest ones.
Explain the role of impacts in planetary evolution, including both giant impacts and more modest ones.
1 point
Question 9
Why are some planets and moons more geologically active than others?
Why are some planets and moons more geologically active than others?
1 point
Question 10
Summarize the origin and evolution of the atmospheres of Venus, Earth, and Mars.
Summarize the origin and evolution of the atmospheres of Venus, Earth, and Mars.
1 point
Question 11
Why do meteors in a meteor shower appear to come from just one point in the sky?
Why do meteors in a meteor shower appear to come from just one point in the sky?
Please take the time to check out the source for this material from Openstax if you plan to use this in your lesson plan!: