Temperate Grasslands and Savanna

By Sharon Fletcher
Last updated 8 months ago
10 Questions
Read the passage on Grassland and Savanna biomes then answer the questions.

How much of the Earth's land is grassland?


Why does fire play an important role during the dry season?


What kind of bark have the trees developed?


What two things help keep trees from invading the temperate grasslands?

Use the website http://switchzoo.com/bb/ or paste it into another brower to work through the next questions.
Read the first page, then click on the Blue highlighted word “Next.”
Read the second page, then click on the Red highlighted word “Play”.
Choose Build the Grass Savanna. Read the paragraph and answer the questions.

What are Grasslands?


On what continent will you not find Grasslands?

Click on “Build it.” under the paragraph. Choose the correct type of plant found in the Grass Savanna and click on it. Read the information to see if you are correct.

If correct, in the "Correct!" paragraph, what two types of trees are listed?

Now, click on “Next”.
Click on an animal that lives in the Grass Savanna. If correct, click on “other animals of this biome”.

Which were three of the animals in the “other animals of this biome” list?

Click Next. Choose the amount of yearly rainfall.

What was the description of the Yearly Rainfall that is now in the top right of the picture of th elephants?


Click Next. Click on correct Temperature Range. Read the information. In the "Correct!" box, what two types of seasons were mentioned that the Savanna has?