True Colors Personality Test

By Andy Hall
Last updated about 4 years ago
25 Questions
Note from the author:
Discover the qualities and characteristics of your own personality style or type.
Gain an understanding of other personality styles.

Score for box A:

Score for box B:

Score for box C:

Score for box D:

Score for box E:

Score for box F:

Score for box G:

Score for box H:

Score for box I:

Score for box J:

Score for box K:

Score for box L:

Score for box M:

Score for box N:

Score for box O:

Score for box P:

Score for box Q:

Score for box R:

Score for box S:

Score for box T:

Total Orange Score: A, H, K, N, S

Total Gold Score: B, G, I, M, T

Total Blue Score: C, F, J, O, R

Total Green Score: D, E, L, P, Q

Sort your colors in order from 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

  1. Blue
  2. Gold
  3. Green
  4. Orange