Ontkennend (bos en natuurbeheer)

By Erik Gerbrands
Last updated over 1 year ago
20 Questions
Bekijk het filmpje en beantwoord de 5 vragen eronder:

Forest area increased / did not increase in many parts of the world.

Forest area went up / did not go up in the southern part of the world.

Growing new forests is / isn't an easy solution.

Skip to min. 1:46 -> Planting trees on grasslands helps / doesn't help the existing ecosystem.

Some of the trees used in China were / were not well suited to the local climate.

Steek je hand op als je klaar bent.

We are workers -> We ... workers.

They are killing all the beetles -> They .... killing all the beetles.

We were lost in the woods -> We .... lost in the woods.

I am from Spain -> I ... from Spain.

The elm tree we just passed was beautiful -> The elm tree we just passed ... beautiful.

He is diggin a canal -> He .... digging a canal.

Steek je hand op als je klaar bent.

He speaks English -> He ... speak English.

We went to the coastline -> We ... to the coastline.

He bought a car with a combustion engine -> He ... buy a car with a combustion engine.

You watch a lot of TV -> You ... watch a lot of TV.

The beech tree looks sick -> The beech tree .... sick.

This chainsaw made a lot of noise when we used it -> This chainsaw .... a lot of noise when we used it.

The interview went well -> The interview ... well.

I want to go to Mars -> I ... to go to Mars.

Kopieer de 5 zinnen en maak ze vervolgens ontkennend:

Tegenwoordige tijd:

- He likes the countryside
- The dikes function well

Verleden tijd:

- We use the crane
- She is happy
- The crop grows