Unit 5 Quiz 1 - Patterns in Waves and Parts of Waves - Sanchez

By yenny t sanchez sarmiento
Last updated over 1 year ago
9 Questions
Do your best to answer all of the questions below. You may use your interactive notebooks on this quiz. Be sure to ask questions as needed, and you've got this!

Mathematical models (equations) from Waves Lab:

Measure and record the wavelength of the wave shown below. The rulers are already set up for you.

Measure and record the amplitude of the wave shown below. The rulers are already set up for you.

On the diagram below, sketch in a second wave that has half the wavelength as the one shown in the image.

What happens to the frequency of a wave when the wavelength cuts in half (like in #3)? (Hint: use your notes or look at the mathematical models above.)

Would the velocity be for this new wave from #3 be the same or change? (Hint: use your notes or look at the mathematical models above.)

A graph about waves is shown below. Check all of the options that match the graph.

A graph about waves is shown below. Check all of the options that match the graph.

The two graphs below show data from the same wave. What is this wave's velocity?

A wave has a velocity of 4 cm/s and a frequency of 5 Hz. Use the mathematical model from our waves lab to calculate the wavelength of this wave.