Climbing Around the Hominin Family Tree

By Amy Jensen
Last updated over 3 years ago
13 Questions
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Why is this drawing a very bad way to represent human evolution? Choose all that apply.

Which of the following is NOT a trait associated with species in the Homo genus?

Which of the following could be used as evidence to support the hypothesis that hominin groups spent nearly all of their time on the ground, walking upright, compared to the other groups, who spent a great deal of their time up in the trees. (choose both correct answers)

Which of the following is NOT an advantage to being bipedal (walking on two feet)?

Which of the following would be considered advantages of larger brain volume?

Today's Human Brain makes up only 2% of our body mass but takes over 20% of our oxygen supply.

Which of the following are indicators of a plant based diet?

Homo species definitely ate meat along with nuts, berries, and other plant foods. What is the reason for adding meat to their diet?

About 40,000 years ago the Homo species began experimenting with other materials, such as bone or wood to make complex tools, such as needles for making clothing.

A long, fine blade made by flaking the sides from a small stone and that is used for hunting large animals would have appeared 4-5 million years ago.

Early Hominin tools were simple: twigs used to "fish" for insects, rocks used to smash open nuts or seeds. We can observe our closest relatives, chimpanzees and bonobos using a variety of tools inthis way today.

We’ve talked about many different characteristics of hominin fossils and how they have evolved over time. These include bipedalism, brain size, diet type, and tool use. Let’s put all these together to classify a fossil. In 1984, a group of researchers found a mystery fossil in Kenya that was one of the most complete hominin skeletons ever found. By analyzing the skeleton’s characteristics, we should be able to classify it into one of the hominin groups we discussed earlier. Read the following description of the skeleton these researchers found.
In 1984, a very complete hominin skeleton was discovered in Kenya by a team of researchers. It was found in a layer of siltstone that is estimated as being about 1.5 million years old. The researchers estimate the skeleton is of a boy approximately 8 years old. Given his height at that age (about 5 ft, 3 in.) he may have grown to be nearly 6 feet tall. His hips are narrow, and he has large knees, a curved spine, and relatively long legs. His brain size is 880 cubic centimeters. Other fossils with similar skeletons have been found with stone hand-axes used for scraping meat from animal bones.

Based on this information, which group do you think the skeleton was a member of?

Later Hominin groups where more bipedal, had larger brains, ate more meat and used complex tools. If we take all of these trends together, we can see why modern humans- our species - are so successful and diverse. Which of the following statements are true about modern humans?

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