Edhelper: Freedmen

By Jennifer R Lewis
Last updated over 2 years ago
8 Questions
Use the reading below to help you answer each question! I highly suggest that you read the document fully, and then attempt to answer the questions.

Make sure to read (or listen) carefully. All of the answers will be in the text.

Next to these directions, I will also include a read aloud recording of the documents below. Feel free to stop, rewind, and listen as needed to help you answer the questions.

What brought freedom to the slaves besides the Union winning the Civil War?


Slaves were happy about freedom because it meant that they would no longer have to work.


What were former slaves called?


What did the Freedmen's Bureau do to help newly freed slaves?


Most freedmen were given land to help them start a new life.


What was the name of the practice of farming borrowed land in exchange for part of the crop?


Which Amendment guaranteed black men the right to vote?


Why do you think that most white people in the South did not want freedmen to vote? Explain in 1-2 sentences.