Mythology Unbound: Artemis

By Michael Garcia
Last updated over 2 years ago
35 Questions

What is Artemis' domain?

What are Artemis' symbols?

What are Artemis' sacred plants/animals?

What are Artemis' epthets (nicknames)?

What is Artemis' Roman name?

Who are Artemis' attendants?

Who are the other goddesses with whom Artemis forms the tri-form moon goddess?


What mistake did Acaeon make?

How did Artemis punish Actaeon?

What was Actaeon's fate?

Who was Orion?

What was Orion's relationship to Artemis?

How did Orion die?

What happened to Orion after he died?


Who was Callisto?

Who seduced her?

How was her seducer disguised?

What did Artemis do when she found out?

What type of animal was Callisto transformed into?

Who turned Callisto into an animal?

What was the name of Callisto's son?

What happened when he met his mother?

What eventually happened to Callisto and her son?

Trojan War

As the Greeks prepared to set sail for war at Troy, who offended Artemis?

How did Artemis respond to this offense?

What did Agamemmnon have to do so that the Greek ships could set sail?


Who was Niobe?

What did Niobe boast?

In what way did Niobe believe she was better than Leto?

Who was offended by Niobe's boast?

Who avenged Niobe's offense?

What happened to Niobe's 7 sons and 7 daughters?

How did Niobe react?

What eventually happened to Niobe?

Draw an image depicting one of the stories about Artemis.