Climograph Practice Questions

By Sue O'Bannon
Last updated over 2 years ago
30 Questions

The data used for the climograph of San Diego, CA. was collected over how many years?

Approximately how many inches of precipitation does San Diego get in January?

In which month would you be least likely to need an umbrella in San Diego?

Approximately how many inches of precipitation fall in San Diego during an entire year?

Which month has the highest average temperature in the "mystery city"?

What is the average temperature in the "mystery city" during its hottest month?

What is the average temperature in the "mystery city" during its coldest month?

What is the temperature difference between the hottest month and the coldest month in the "mystery city"?

What is the temperature difference between the hottest and coldest months in San Diego?

Does it ever snow in the "mystery city"? Explain your answer using information from the climograph.

Use google Earth or the BiomeViewer and the listed coordinates to identify the "mystery city'' on this page.

Name of city:

Name of city:

Which city has the most precipitation during the year?

In the city with the most precipitation, how many inches of precipitation fall in this city during an average year (estimate the total)?

For the city on the right, list the type of clothes would you want to have in your closet to wear anytime.

Explain what type of clothes would you NOT waste your money buying if you planned on living in the city on the right?

In which city would you expect it to rain during your 4th of July barbecue?

In which city would your dreams of having a "white snowy New Year's Day" most likely come true?

Explain your previous answer using information from the climograph.

After studying the climates of these four cities, San Diego, Chicago, Cheyenne and Tampa, explain which city you would most like to move to and the reasons why.

The name of this city is:

Explain how the climograph above is different from all of the others you have looked at.

During which months of the year could you grow a vegetable garden in this city?

What city is this?

Compare this climograph to the one above. Which of these cities gets the most precipitation in December?

Which one of the cities above is in the tropics?

Give two reasons that you know which one is in the tropics.

During which season (winter, spring, summer or fall) would it be the best time to plant crops in this climate (the second climograph?) Explain your answer.

Hot Desert
Tropical Rainforest
Cold Desert
London (Temperate)
Mediterranean (Chaparral)