Native American Creation Myths: The Earth on a Turtle's Back

By Michael Garcia
Last updated over 2 years ago
6 Questions

Why did the chief decide to uproot the great tree?

When the chief’s wife fell from Skyland, what did the animals below decide to do?

By the end of the story, what is created (after all, it’s a creation myth!)?

After reading the origin myth, what cultural beliefs and values are portrayed? What can be learned about the Onandaga tribe through this origin myth?

Identify 3 beliefs and/or values that can be seen in the origin myth.

  • Oftentimes, Native American stories and origin myths were used to relay important lessons.
  • Based on the Onandaga story, “The Earth on Turtle’s Back,” respond to the following questiona:

What do you think is the moral of this story?

How is this lesson taught through this story?