The Myth of Theseus and Hippolyta cloned 11/8/2021

By Lisa Pfuhl _ Staff - LeesvilleRdMS
Last updated almost 3 years ago
20 Questions

Using context clues what is the meaning of the word harmoniously in this sentence?


Using context clues what is the meaning of the word enamored in paragraph 3.


Looking at paragraph 4 When the ships sails were hoisted for a swifter journer the ship went


All of the following are synonyms for infuriated except?


What is the antonym for brazen?


Based on paragraph 5, what is the meaning of the word stealthily?


Which is not meaning of brewing in paragraph 5?


In paragraph 6 what does seasoned warriors mean?


Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of captivity. The first line this famous speech begins in a similar way to Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. This is an example of:


Which of the following is NOT an allusion?


In which of the following examples did the author use allusion?


What is an allusion?


Which of the following is NOT a reason that an author will use an allusion?


What should you do if you know that an allusion is being used, but you do not know what it means?

Demonstrate your ability to identify the correct words based on context clues

I returned to school soon after the war was over. The entire place, where the school used to be, was in _____.


The director felt remorse, or shame for hirigh some incompetent employees. What is the word from the sentence that is the synonym to the underlined word?


The successful man earned his millions through deceit and chicanery Define chicanery


Rather than be involved in clandestine meetings, they did everything quite openly.
What is the meaning of clandestine?


The girl was churlish – rude, sullen and absolutely ill-mannered.
What is the meaning of the word churlish


When Meagan was the interim president of the garden club, she handled all the club business for the five months before a new president was elected.
What is the meaning of interim?