Digestive System

By Kristen Perakis
Last updated almost 3 years ago
8 Questions
Glue the diagram on page 50. Fold the notes page and glue it in on 51.

Fill out the diagram and the notes using this formative. The notes that you will write beside each structure and organ are in bold and underlined.
You will not write anything beside accessory organs in the chart. That is there to separate the organs of the GI tract from the accessory organs.
Don't include the appendix

What is the difference between organs in the digestive tract and accessory organs?

What type of digestion does the mouth use?

What do salivary glands produce?

Is peristalsis voluntary or involuntary muscle movement?

What is the main function of the small intestine?

What does the liver produce?

Correction to the last bullet point:

Bile does NOT make fats.

Bile salts break down larger pieces of fat into smaller fats. Smaller fat droplets are easier for the digestive enzymes from the pancreas to process and break down.
Some people have to have their galbladder removed.
Without a gallbladder, there's no place for bile to collect. Instead, your liver releases bile straight into the small intestine. This allows you to still digest most foods. However, large amounts of fatty, greasy, or high-fiber food become harder to digest.

People who have their gallbladder removed are advised to avoid foods high in fat. Why do you think this is so?

What is the difference between the anus and the rectum?