Saxon Math Test 10a

By Susan Whitfield
Last updated over 2 years ago
20 Questions

How many students were there altogether?

Tamca has how many more coins than Liza?

If the radius of a circle is 3 feet then its diameter is?

Which digit in 36.5 is in the tenths place?

Use the digits 3,4,5 and 6 once each to write an even number between 5500 and 5700.

Write the mixed number shown by the shaded circles.

What is the perimeter of this shape? Dimensions are in millimeters.

There are eight cars with three people in each car. How many people are there altogether?

Round 467 to the nearest hundred.

Label with dollar sign.

Line up your decimals

Line up your decimals

Line up your decimals, Dollar sign

Three answers. Separate with commas. These are all division problems.