Kinetic & Potential Energy Worksheet Acquarelli

By Joe Acquarelli
Last updated about 3 years ago
26 Questions

The slower the object is, the more kinetic energy it has.

The lower the object is, the more potential energy it has.

The ball has ___ energy.

The carriage has ___ energy.

The car has ___ energy.

The block has ___ energy.

The roller coaster has ___ energy.

The bell has ___ energy.

The distance between the coaster and the Earth ___.

Resulting in an increase of ___ energy.

When you move down the hill, you ___ your speed.

This results in a transformation from ___ energy to ___ energy.

At the bottom of the hill, when the coaster is at its highest speed, it has the most ___ energy.

When the coaster moves up the loop, slowing down, the energy transforms from ___ energy to ___ energy.

When objects speed up, ___ energy transforms into ___ energy.

When objects slow down, ___ energy transforms into ___ energy.