Ghost: Chapters 4 & 5 Quiz

By Hillary Cheaney
Last updated about 1 year ago
24 Questions

Ghost says the police are looking for a “real criminal” after he steals the shoes. In your opinion, is Ghost now a real criminal because of his crime of stealing? Why or why not?


Mr. Charles is concerned about Ghost skipping school and makes him promise to not skip anymore.

List out at least 2 other adults who could help Ghost with the problems that he is facing. Why is he resistant to take their help?


Ghost was charged with "doing the right thing" in order to stay on the track team. Describe 2 events that have happened so far in the story that are in contrast (go against) to the deal he made with his mom and Coach Brody.


How does Ghost getting suspended from school affect the plot of the story?


Ghost tells Coach that he is mainly afraid of himself. What kind of inference can we make about Ghost based on this?


Ghost’s punishment for being suspended from school was -


"So even though my shoes were covered, I couldn't hide the fact that I was walking like a senior citizen zombie, which I feared would draw unnecessary attention - the last thing I needed" (pg. 78).

What type of figurative language is used in the above quote from the novel?


Based on what we have learned in the story so far, how are Brandon and Lu similar?


Which of the following words BEST describes how Ghost felt when he first started running sprints?


Which items did Ghost not have for the first practice?


In Chapter 4, how does Ghost embarrass himself at track practice?


According to Patina, why does Lu pick on Castle so much in Chapter 4? Choose the BEST answer:


How is Lu's nickname ironic?


At the end of Chapter 4, what did Ghost do to his high-top shoes?


What is the Ghost's primary motivation for the above action?


When Ghost returned to school from his suspension, the other students -


Ghost runs out of school for the day because -


What was Ghost's motivation for stealing the shoes from the sporting goods store?


What do we learn about Mr. Charles when Ghost talks to him after going to the sporting goods store?


"That's how I felt. Like I was drowning. Like I was filling up with water. Like this place, this weird little room that had saved my life, now felt like it was gonna take it" (pg. 97).

The author includes this figurative language when Ghost is trapped in the storage closet in Chapter 5 to show that -


Which word best expresses Ghost’s feelings about stealing the shoes and lying?


Read the following passage from Page 93: “You can’t just hang out here, Castle. I mean, you’re my guy, but you see that sign?’ Mr. Charles pointed to the one on the window. NO LOITERING.”

What is the best meaning of the word loitering as used in the sentence?


Read the following from Page 65: “Still I had to ask. ‘You mad about yesterday? Is that what this about? Me proving that you ain’t all that fast?’ Then I had to add, ‘That you just got on a fancy suit tryin’ to front like you Usain Bolt.’”

How does this passage contribute to the text?


How are the characters of Coach and Mr. Charles similar?