Wellness Check - Sample Questions

By Eva Brown
Last updated 14 days ago
10 Questions
Note from the author:
This formative provides some sample check-in questions that you can pull from to do daily wellness checks with students.
TEACHERS: Choose from these questions on a daily basis to guage how your students are doing as they enter your classroom.

Remember that you can use the library feature to just copy and paste these questions into any formative. Want to learn how? Check out this article. (Scroll down until you see the section about adding questions from the library.)

Welcome! I am so happy you are here! Tell me how you are today.

How are you today?
Tell me how your day is going. Then, select one emoji to describe how you are feeling.

[Hint: Click the circle with the plus sign to add an emoji]

Of these choices, which best reflects how the last 24 hours have been for you?

You get your wish!
If a magic genie could give you the thing you most need today, what would that be? You can draw or add a picture in the show your work box, give me an audio answer by clicking the + button, or write your answer below.

How are your feeling right now?
Click as many as you like!

How are you today?
Today I really feel __________ and __________

What color zone are you in right now?

What do you need today?

How are you feeling today?

Do you have anything to tell me? It can be about school or life.