w/embed: Most Dangerous Ways to School: Mexico

By Mary Bruton
Last updated over 2 years ago
19 Questions
While watching documentary: Most Dangerous Was to School: Mexico, answer these questions:

In which region of Mexico do these school children live?

What is the first thing the school children do in the morning?

What type of clothing do the girls wear to school?

Why do many children in this region not go to school?

What does Lorenzo eat for breakfast before school?

Why does Lorenzo sleep at school?

How many meters does Lorezo climb each time he goes to school?

What does Lorenzo eat on his way to school?

What shoes do the girls wear to school?

The Rarámuri are …
(Check all that are true.)

For many Rarámuri families, money earned from crops and livestock is not enough to survive. What does the mother make to help make ends meet?

What does "Rarámuri" mean?

When Lorenzo walks to school, what is his greatest challenge?

How old is Lorezo?

When Teresa, Angela and Philomena walk to school, what is their favorite part of the journey?

What are some of Lorezo’s dreams for his life?

What grade is Filomena in?

What does Lorenzo do when he finally arrives at school?

What concerns you about the journey these children take to get to school?