Sample Learning Reflection Questions

By Eva Brown
Last updated over 2 years ago
6 Questions
Note from the author:
Add any of these questions to your Formative to help you gauge student level of understanding during instruction
TEACHERS: Use these questions throughout your lessons to help students give you feedback on their current level of understanding, quickly see who needs additional support, etc.

Remember that you can use the library feature to just copy and paste these questions into any formative. Want to learn how? Check out this article. (Scroll down until you see the section about adding questions from the library.)

Your turn! What questions do you have? How is your level of understanding right now?

Example answers you can say:
  • "I'm doing great and feeling confident!"
  • "I didn't understand what you meant when you said...."
  • "Can you explain ____ again?"
  • "I get it! This is great!"
  • "I think I need extra help understanding."
  • or anything else that comes to your mind. Just be honest!


Today's Objective

By the end of class today, I will...

In your own words, what should you be able to do by the end of this class?


How would you rate your own understanding of this right now?


Now that we have learned a little more about ____, what is your new level of understanding?


Pick an image to show your level of understanding right now.

Thinking about what we just learned, I feel ____________________