Retake 1: Unit Conversions and Conversion Factors - Mastery

By Patrick Mazza
Last updated about 2 years ago
10 Questions
Goal: I can use conversion factors to convert units within the same system of measurement

Goal: I can use conversion factors to convert units between systems of measurement

Directions: For full credit, show your setup, including the starting quantity, the conversion factor used, units cancelling, and your final answer.

Identify the conversion factor below:

Identify the conversion factor below:

Identify the conversion factor below:

Convert 10,000 centimeters to meters

Convert 10 km to miles

Convert 15 years to minutes

Convert 1,000,000 cm to miles

Convert 5 miles to kilometers

Convert 72 inches to centimeters

You and a friend challenge each other to a 40 yard sprint competition. However, the only tape measure you have only measures distance in feet. How many feet to you need to measure to make sure your track is 40 yards long?