9/23 Prac1_Scientific Mthd (Formative) - ETM

By Patrick Mazza
Last updated about 2 years ago
11 Questions

Practice Scientific Method

Goal 1.1 - I can order the steps of the scientific method and match examples and explanations for each step.

STOP: If you haven't seen the lesson yet then click HERE.

Summary Notes (If questions below seem confusing then review these linked notes)

Which general step of the scientific method matches closest with each example below.

Example:  Take measurements of the arm span and the height of various students.

Write out which step of the scientific method below matches closest with each example below.

Example:  What is the relationship between the foot size of a person and their height?

Which step of the scientific method below matches closest with each example below.

Example:  Plot height and arm span of various students on a graph and study the data to see if there are any patterns in the data.

Which step of the scientific method below matches closest with each example below.

Example:  Based on our data, as the area of the underside of the aluminum boat increased so did the number of quarters the boat could hold before sinking. There was one boat that didn't follow this pattern and we are not sure why. The maximum sinking weight using our sheet of aluminum foil was 180. 2 grams of quarters.

Which step of the scientific method below matches closest with each example below.

Example:  What is the graphical relationship between the mass and weight of the same object?

Which step of the scientific method below matches closest with each example below.

Example:  Measure the values of mass and weight for various objects.

Which step of the scientific method below matches closest with each example below.

Example:  Plot the mass values and weight values of various objects on to an x-y graph and calculate the slope of the line through the data points.

Which step of the scientific method below matches closest with each example below.

Example:  An ink blot spreading upward along a strip of paper towel that is sitting in shallow water.

Drag each description below to match the step label of the Scientific Method.

  • The distance travelled and travel time data of the rolling ball are divided in order to calculate the average speed of the rolling ball.
  • Mr. Mazza places a tennis ball at the top of a ramp and releases it letting it roll down the ramp.
  • As the tennis ball rolls down the ramp the student wonders to themself about what affect might a heavier ball have on the ball rolling results.
  • After comparing the ball rolling results for balls of different weights the student emails the results to a fellow physics teacher. In the email the student explains the results.
  • During each trial of a ball of different weight rolling down the ramp Mr. Mazza sets up the same ramp then collects the distance and time data.
  • Observe a Phenomenon (event)
  • Define a question or problem
  • Share Results
  • Setup and collect data
  • Analyze Data

Drag each step label below to match the step number of the Scientific Method.

  • Observe a Phenomenon
  • Analyze Data
  • Define a Question or Problem
  • Share Results
  • Collect Data
  • Step #5
  • Step #2
  • Step #3
  • Step #4
  • Step #1

Extra Practice (Not Required)

A future lesson will be about calculating the range and average of a group of numbers. Explain
what you understand already about calculating range and average. For example, can you calculate
the range of the number set (0, 2, 7, 9)? Can you calculate the average of the number set (2, 4, 9)? If so, explain your solving process.