Quizlet - How to embed (with examples)
By Formative Library
Last updated about 1 year ago
1 Question
How to embed flashcards and quizzes from Quizlet!
To embed a site into your formative, you can either:
- Choose the embed content option:
- Or click the "+" icon within a question, and select "Embed":
How to embed flashcards or quizzes from Quizlet:
- Go to https://quizlet.com and sign up / log in
- Create your own study set, or search to find sets made by others
- When you find a set you like, click on the triple dots and select "Embed"
4. Choose how you want to embed the set (e.g. a matching activity, flashcards, etc) then click "Copy HTML"
5. Paste the code into the Embed field in your formative!
10 points
Question 1
First, Practice your definitions by playing this matching game:
Then,Answer this question: which of the following are types of precipitation?
Practice your definitions by playing this matching game:
Answer this question: which of the following are types of precipitation?