Padlet - How to embed (with examples)

By Formative Library
Last updated about 1 year ago
1 Question

How to embed a Padlet wall!

To embed a site into your formative, you can either:
  • Choose the embed content option:

  • Or click the "+" icon within a question, and select "Embed":


How to embed a Padlet:
  1. Go to and sign up / log in
  2. Create your own Padlet
  3. When you find an activity you like, copy the page URL
  4. Go to and paste the URL into the iFrameURL box
  5. Click "Generate" and then click the "Copy It" button:

6. Paste the code into the Embed field in your formative! You can adjust the numbers in the height=“px” width=“px” part of the code so that the Padlet displays in the way you’d like.


Add at least one note about global geography to this Padlet:

Write a question you still have about geography here: