Flip- How to embed (with examples)

By Formative Library
Last updated about 1 year ago
1 Question

How to embed a Flip!

To embed a site into your formative, you can either:
  • Choose the embed content option:

  • Or click the "+" icon within a question, and select "Embed":


How to embed Flip grids:
  1. Go to https://info.flip.com and log in / sign up
  2. Create a grid
  3. Click the "Share" button:

4. Click on the "Embed" button on the share modal - this will copy the embed code:

5. Paste the code into the Embed field in your formative! You can also edit the height="400px" width="600px" part of the code so that the grid displays perfectly on your student devices.


Log in to this Flip and respond to the prompt:

Replay your video and write out a polished version of your response below. Make sure your vocabulary and grammar are correct!