Evidence for Evolution

By Nicholas Meyer
Last updated almost 2 years ago
5 Questions

Based on this cladogram, which ape are we most closely related to? Why?

Draw a circle around the skull that most closely resembles a human skull. Why?

This lizard is the only marine lizard in the world...it feeds off of marine algae. It's closest relative is a land lizard from South America. How do they know?

These are all homonoids..."human-like". Which homonoid has the largest brain (cranial capacity)? Humans are Homo sapiens. Which other homonoid is our closest relative?

Match the following

convergent evolution
English naturalist who developed the theory of evolution
Charles Darwin
says that living organisms have their origin in common ancestors
evolutionary tree diagram
comparing the structures and features of organisms to determine relationships
a process where two unrelated organisms will share similar features due to similar pressures of natural selection
a diagram that depicts the evolutionary relationships between organisms
comparative morphology
the preserved remains of an organism, or traces of an organism such as a mark or print left by an animal.
Theory of Evolution
shared ancestry of biological structures or molecules
the loss of many species throughout the world in a short period of time.
mass extinction
the study of fossils and the fossil record