Unit 5 - Lesson 9 - Grade 2: Illustrative Mathematics

By Formative Library
Last updated 6 days ago
12 Questions
Note from the author:
Grade 2 Unit 5
Lesson 9: Compare Numbers on the Number Line
CC BY 2021 Illustrative Mathematics®
Grade 2 Unit 5
Lesson 9: Compare Numbers on the Number Line
CC BY 2021 Illustrative Mathematics®
Lesson: Compare Numbers on the Number Line

Estimation Exploration: Hundreds (Warm Up)

What number could this be?

Record an estimate that is:

Record an estimate that is:

Compare Comparisons

Each student compared 371 and 317, but represented their thinking in different ways.

What is the same and different about these students’ representations? Discuss with a partner.

Try Jada’s way.

Estimate the location of 483 and 443 on the number line. Mark each number with a point. Label the point with the number it represents.

Use >, =, or < to compare 483 and 443.


Compare in Different Ways

Locate and label 420 and 590 on the number line.

Use >, =, or < to compare 420 and 590.

Estimate the location of 378 and 387 on the number line. Mark each number with a point. Label the point with the number it represents.

Use >, =, or < to compare 378 and 387.

Diego and Jada compared 2 numbers.

Use their work to figure out what numbers they compared.

Then use >, =, or < to compare the numbers.

Cool Down: Compare Numbers on the Number Line

Estimate the location and label 681 and 618 on the number line.

Use <, >, or = to compare 681 and 618.


Use the number line to explain how you know your comparison is true.