Unit 7 - Lesson 15 - Grade 2: Illustrative Mathematics

By Formative Library
Last updated 6 days ago
8 Questions
Note from the author:
Grade 2 Unit 7
Lesson 15: Decompose a Ten and a Hundred to Subtract
CC BY 2021 Illustrative Mathematics®
Grade 2 Unit 7
Lesson 15: Decompose a Ten and a Hundred to Subtract
CC BY 2021 Illustrative Mathematics®
Lesson: Decompose a Ten and a Hundred to Subtract

Elena’s Thinking

Use base-ten blocks or a base-ten diagram to show Elena’s steps.

Finish Elena’s work to find the value of 726 - 558.

What is another way you could use numbers or equations to show subtracting by place to find the value
of 726 - 558?

Walk About and Subtract

  • Find someone with a different number than you.
  • Find the difference between your numbers.
  • Show your thinking.
  • Trade cards and find a new partner.

Partner 1

Find the difference between your numbers.

Show your thinking.

Partner 2

Find the difference between your numbers.

Show your thinking.

Partner 3

Find the difference between your numbers.

Show your thinking.

Cool Down: Find the Error
Noah found the value of 532 - 358. Here is his work.

Explain Noah's error.

Show Noah a way to find the value of 532 - 358.