Unit 5 - Lesson 13 - Grade 5: Illustrative Mathematics

By Formative Library
Last updated 6 days ago
9 Questions
Note from the author:
Grade 5 Unit 5
Lesson 13: Analyze Addition Mistakes
CC BY 2021 Illustrative Mathematics
Grade 5 Unit 5
Lesson 13: Analyze Addition Mistakes
CC BY 2021 Illustrative Mathematics
Lesson: Analyze Addition Mistakes

Estimation Exploration: Many Places (Warm Up)

1,987.89 + 658.54

Record an estimate that is:

Compare Calculations

Find the value of 621.45 + 72.3. Explain or show your reasoning.

Elena and Andre found the value of 621.45 + 72.3. Who do you agree with? Explain or show your reasoning.

Same Digits, Different Sums

Find the value of the expression. Explain or show your reasoning.

Find the value of the expression. Explain or show your reasoning.

Find the value of the expression. Explain or show your reasoning.

Find the value of the expression. Explain or show your reasoning.

Cool Down: What is the Error?

The calculation has an error.

Explain the error.

Find the correct value of 38.7 + 9.46.